

The Harris Brand Apparel prides itself on providing the highest amount of quality with all of our products. Our desired expectation is for our clients to view themselves in the same positive light. It doesn’t matter what line of work or sport you participate in. There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking the appropriate amount of time out of the day for yourself, to ensure that your appearance is on point. Looking good is NOT being arrogant, in fact, it’s an extremely important part of your personal confidence and self-esteem journey


The Harris Brand Apparel’s goal is to play an integral part in how you feel about yourself daily. When wearing high quality clothing with a great “Feel good” cause attached to every piece, brings an overwhelming feeling of joy, knowing that every Harris Brand clothing owned and worn by you pays it forward and helps someone in need. Feeling Good In what you wear will assist with feel good in who you are, and ultimately, feel good in knowing that you are doing your part to give back to those in need!


In this wonderful game of life, we all want to do our best to win. It’s not about the final outcome, it’s how we play the game. While wearing Harris Brand Apparel, you will be able to Look good, Feel Good which in turn provide the ultimate opportunity to give the most of yourself to your journey of life.

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