Look Good • Feel Good • Play Good

The Harris Brand Merchandise and Apparel is an all-inclusive lifestyle & cultural brand. Through our educational movement, our goal is to positively impact and support youth to find their "WHY".

Canvas Of Life edition

The Harris Brand Experience

Life is a blank canvas, with every stroke of your brush, you come closer and closer to telling your truth.
Your design is not only organic and unique to you, but new and innovative to the expansive and boundless world around you. What will your next colourful extension of yourself be? Encourage your love ones to express themselves by being apart of The Harris Brand Experience!

HB Foundation

"Never Look Back Knowing You Could Have Done More!"

Join our educational movement by supporting underprivileged youth to attend post-secondary school. 50% of proceeds will go towards providing mentorship & scholarship opportunities for At-Risk youth & student-athletes.

Next Level Mindset

It is extremely difficult to sustain a perfect work life balance. When times became tough, I stayed consistent while maintaining a level focus on the task at hand. Aligning myself with The Harris Brand definitely helped me elevate my confidence.

~ Cheryl M

Look Good ~ Feel Good ~ Play Good

Being bullied used to be a daily occurrence for me, until the team at The Harris Brand Foundation help me understand my true worth. I was then able to pay it forward by standing secure in who I am.

~ James W
